For developers. By developers.

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How to teach yourself to code gradually in 2024

Learning to code is like teaching yourself to play the guitar, with both pursuits requiring practical, engaging approaches to overcome the early dropout rates. By starting with simple, fun projects like coding a smiley face on a grid, learners can avoid overwhelming theory and instead focus on building practical skills. Platforms like Educative offer immediate coding practice without setup hassles, incorporating AI mentors and gamified content to maintain motivation and engagement. Setting SMART goals helps learners persist past the initial excitement, making the process fun and ensuring continuous progress. This project-based learning structure is ideal for maintaining interest and achieving coding proficiency.
Junaid Akhtar
Apr 26 · 2024
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Solving recurrence relations using geometric series

Recurrence relations are crucial in computer science for analyzing algorithms' time complexity and performance based on input size. This blog proposes using geometric series to solve recurrences, offering an alternative to the complex Master Theorem. It explains how the properties of increasing and decreasing geometric series help establish bounds for solving these relations, simplifying the approach. The blog also elaborates on three cases of geometric series in recurrences, demonstrating their use through examples and emphasizing eliminating the need to memorize formulas. Finally, it highlights the fundamental role of geometric series in algorithmic design, encouraging a deeper exploration of this method.
Khawaja Muhammad Fahd
Apr 24 · 2024
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Learn about ranges in C++20

Learn about ranges in C++ 20. Let's see the advantages and functionalities of the ranges library introduced in C++20, emphasizing its significant improvements over traditional C++ practices. The ranges library, part of the standard template library (STL) in C++20, enhances the efficiency and readability of code by offering a more intuitive and composable approach for manipulating data collections. It introduces concepts like ranges, views, and view adaptors, which simplify operations such as finding the maximum element, filtering data, and composing multiple operations without needing extra memory allocations typical in older versions. The blog highlights the ease of creating complex data manipulation tasks and even generating infinite sequences using the lazy evaluation features of ranges, making C++20 a robust choice for modern developers looking to write cleaner and more maintainable code.
Syed Atif Mehdi
Apr 22 · 2024
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Developing Web Applications using PHP

Web development in PHP allows developers to create dynamic and interactive websites and applications. Its wide adoption, rich feature set, flexibility, and supportive community make it an excellent choice for developers looking to create robust and scalable web solutions. This blog covers how to get started with web development in PHP. Communication between the client and server is facilitated by HTTP protocols, with different requests like GET and POST. Web applications blend HTML with client-side scripting languages for interactivity and server-side languages like PHP for back-end processing. PHP is particularly valued for its simplicity and integration with HTML, making it ideal for creating dynamic web pages and managing data securely via databases. Essential for building scalable, secure web applications, understanding client-server interactions, data validation, and session management are foundational.
Maham Amjad
Apr 18 · 2024
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The right time for beginner coders to start projects

Learn when and how to start projects. Part of our beginner-focused series: The Developer's Launchpad.
Fahim ul Haq
Apr 16 · 2024
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Understanding “this” in JavaScript

In many programming languages like C++ or Java, the concept of this is often associated with object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigms. When you refer to this within a method or function in these languages, it typically points to the current instance of the class or object on which the method is being invoked. However, in JavaScript, the behavior of this differs significantly as its reference can change depending on the execution contexts. Understanding these dynamic context bindings is crucial for effectively utilizing this in JavaScript. In this comprehensive blog, we take an in-depth look at the diverse contexts and behaviors of the keyword this to explain its usage. Covering global and function contexts, alongside specific scenarios such as arrow functions and method contexts, we provide clear guidance on understanding how this operates in each situation. Additionally, we also explain implicit, explicit, and default binding, exploring methods like call(), bind(), and apply().
Ishrat Fatima
Apr 17 · 2024
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Why learning to code is still important in an AI-driven world

Learning to code is still important in an AI-driven world because it equips those to adapt and work with intelligent machines. When you are learning to code, you are becoming stronger in critical and logical thinking across diverse industries such as technology, healthcare, education, etc. It also gives you a headstart to demonstrate technical proficiency and problem-solving abilities in order to stay current in the job market. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on using technology, the demand for coding skills will heighten. Acquiring the skills of coding can open up a wide range of career opportunities. As you continue to sharpen your coding skills, you become much more proficient in programming.
Fahim ul Haq
Apr 8 · 2024
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Zen of debugging: 5 tips for beginners

Learn the skill that makes the best coders. Part of our beginner-focused series: The Developer's Launchpad.
Fahim ul Haq
Apr 1 · 2024
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A Step-by-Step Guide To Learn React

React is one of the most widely used libraries when it comes to front-end development. Whether you’re starting out in your development career and don’t know where to begin, or you’re a professional looking to polish your skills, we have something for you. The blog will cover the prerequisites for learning React, the basic concepts of React, the major areas one should cover in a step-by-step manner, and finally, our specially curated courses to assist you along the way.
Izza Ahmad
Apr 1 · 2024